
Board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner located in Missoula, MT


Anxiety services offered in Missoula, MT

Everyone experiences anxiety in their daily life, but for more than 30% of teens and adults, anxiety becomes a frequent, intense challenge that disrupts personal relationships, affects their health, and interferes with success at school. At Mimi Morris, DNP, PMHNP-BC, PLLC, people with anxiety get exceptional care. As a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner, Mimi has helped people overcome all types of anxiety and return to a life unfettered by fear. To schedule a telemedicine appointment, call the office in Missoula, Montana, or use the online booking feature today! 

Anxiety Q & A

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural feeling that occurs when you face a stressful or dangerous situation. The feeling triggers an automatic response in your body, giving you energy and focus to deal with the situation, whether you face the first day on a new job or taking a test.

Problems begin when your anxiety doesn’t go away or worsens. Feeling anxious becomes an anxiety disorder when you:

  • Have uncontrollable fear, worry, and dread
  • Change your routine to avoid sources of anxiety
  • Feel anxious even without a known threat
  • Have anxiety that’s out of proportion to the actual danger you face

When anxiety disrupts your life, it’s time to consider seeking help. 


What are the different types of anxiety?

There are several types of anxiety disorders. The most common include: 

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder causes nearly constant anxiety about everyday issues like children, work, and health. You may have excessive worry even if you don’t face a current problem. 


Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder causes a fear of meeting new people, being in crowded public places, and performing in front of others, such as giving a report at work or school. 


Specific phobias

A specific phobia is an extreme fear of a particular situation or object. For example, you may have a fear of flying, heights, needles, vomit, blood, spiders, or small spaces.


What symptoms occur due to anxiety?

In addition to the symptoms unique to each anxiety disorder, you may experience:

  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Nervousness or restlessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fast heart rate
  • Headaches, body aches, and chronic pain

In severe cases, you may have a panic attack, a condition that occurs rapidly and causes intense symptoms mimicking a heart attack. 


How is anxiety treated? 

Mimi discusses your worries and symptoms, and then she completes an evaluation to identify the type of anxiety disorder you may have. She works with you to develop an individualized treatment plan based on your mental health goals.

Your treatment may include talk therapy, medication management, or both. Mimi specializes in medication management, including prescribing medicines you can take at the first sign of a panic attack to prevent your symptoms from escalating. If you don’t have a therapist, she will work with you to find someone who specializes in treatment of anxiety.

You can overcome anxiety with help from Mimi L. Morris, DNP, PMHNP, PLLC. Call or request an appointment online today.